Hot Tubs and Recovery: Benefits Before Exercise

hot tubs recovery exercise

There are several major reasons why people purchase hot tubs for their homes, and one of the most common among active individuals and families is for exercise and injury recovery. Hot tubs and their hydrotherapy benefits are often ideal for everything from pre-exercise warmup to long-term injury recovery needs, and knowing how they can be utilized here is valuable if you and your family are active.

At Hot Tub Factory Outlet, we're happy to offer a wide range of hot tub products from top brands in the industry, plus tips on important areas like these for any of our clients around Salt Lake City. In this two-part blog series, we'll look at both sides of this coin - today's part one will focus on pre-exercise benefits that hot tubs offer, while part two will go over some ways they often help athletes or others who exercise regularly once their workouts are finished.

Injury Risk Reduction

One of the single most notable benefits of hot tubs in terms of pre-exercise is a potential reduction in injury risk. Every athlete or active individual takes some risks, but adding hydrotherapy to your warmup routine can often reduce the chances of certain muscle pulls or tears significantly.

The idea here is that by heating up the muscles and joints prior to any type of physical activity, you'll make them more likely to be stretched and used properly – in most cases allowing for a greater range of motion than would otherwise be possible. This also helps reduce the amount of stiffness and soreness that may occur after exercise.

Stretching and Prep

Another key benefit here is that you can use hot tubs for stretching and warming up before exercise. We recommend stretching your muscles prior to any activity, but doing so in a hot tub with the water providing extra resistance can often prove even more beneficial – again minimizing the potential of injury while allowing you to get ready for whatever specific activity you have planned.

Improving Performance

By warming up your muscles and joints in this manner, you also can improve performance overall. Better range of motion means better use of those muscles, which can often lead to improved execution in whatever it is you're doing – whether playing a game of tennis or tackling a rigorous hike.

Treating Previous or Existing Injuries

Finally, hot tubs can be used to treat previous or existing injuries as well, which again comes down to their ability to increase blood flow and reduce pain in those areas. Many athletes or active individuals find the warm water helps significantly with any lingering soreness or stiffness from an existing injury, allowing them to move more freely and without pain.

At Hot Tub Factory Outlet, we offer a wide variety of hot tubs for these and other uses – plus tips on how to make the most of your purchase. For more information on our products, visit us online now or stop by one of our locations today.

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